The project has the target of expanding and completing the company’s technological offer through the acquisition of both advanced 3D printing systems (Additive Manufacturing) with production implications, and dimensional control and reverse engineering systems. 3DnA Srl thanks to the completion of the project “Development of an innovative business model in the Additive manufacturing sector” was able to further consolidate its role as a driver in the current market in the implementation of additive technology within traditional production cycles. In particular, it has further implemented the innovative additive approach in the medium size industries where, thanks to the multiple skills in the various sectors, it has been able to provide any customer with the support that starts from the concept and design and finally reaches the manufacturing of the 3D product, thus generating a new market. The project is co-financed by the European Union, the Italian State and the Campania Region, as part of the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 “- O.S. 1.1 – 1.4 – Public Notice for the creation and consolidation of Innovative Start-ups: “Campania Start-Up”. Amount of the contribution in the form of a grant for a total of Euro 319,377.5.
Por Campania FESR project
Development of an innovative business model in the Additive Manufacturing sector – CUP B62C18000190007