SAPPiAM Project – Advanced Custom Design Tools for Additive Manufacturing
3DNA S.r.l. – Prog n. F/190171/03/X44 – CUP: B56G20000720005
The industrial research and experimental development project, carried out in a temporary association of purpose (ATS) between the lead partner AEROSOFT SpA and 3DnA S.r.l., is facilitated pursuant to Ministerial Decree 05/03/2018 – Chapter III, Call for Tender at the Intelligent Factory Desk – FCS – PON I&C 2014/2020, of the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE). Industrial research and experimental development in the Smart Factory application sector, consistent with the National Smart Specialization Strategy (SNSI) – AXIS 1 – Investment priority 1.b – Action 1.1.3 LDR. The objective of the project is to investigate and select the best computational methodologies available on the market to simulate additive printing processes (Additive Manufacturing, AM) and at the same time optimize structural or aesthetic mechanical components in the automotive sector of the large car segment. tourism. This is also in order to allow the design and additive printing in a manner customized to the stresses of the components and with attention to the internal part of the User-Centered paradigm which will make its market attractiveness even more interesting; and with the intention of creating a system aimed at industrial use that is as sustainable as possible on the environmental side (AM is the greenest technology compared to classic mechanical processing), responding to the concept of “factory of the future”, capable of encouraging increases of productivity in limited spaces, accompanied by less use of materials and energy, less pollution and less waste production.